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Problem Statement

 The goal of this thesis is a concept for the development of mobile code using dynamic adaptation. The concept provides guidance for the programmer to deploy adaptation to its application and it offers a framework architecture which supports the detection of the environment. The framework includes a description and selection mechanism for choosing the right implementation in an environment. Furthermore the framework offers the technology for loading environment dependent implementations from a repository. The presented concepts are implemented as a prototype in order to show that dynamic adaptation enhances mobile code as described in this chapter.

The following chapter gives an overview over the state-of-the-art in adaptation and evaluates various concepts as potential solutions for dynamic adaptation of mobile code. For the evaluation of the known adaptation mechanisms a list of requirements is set up. In chapter [*] the proposed methodology will be presented and the implementation of the proposed methodology. Chapter [*] evaluates the proposed methodology and the implementation according to the requirements as set up in chapter [*]. The conclusion of this work and ideas for future work are the contents of the chapter [*].

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