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The profiles are the essential mechanism of the context awareness. The implementation classes describe their destinated environment in profiles. The profiles are evaluated by the context awareness in the current environment. If a profile matches an environment, its associated implementation class is suitable for the environment.

Figure: Structure of profile class  

The profile is implemented as a class called Profile. As described the profile contains a set of profile values. In the class Profile the member variable m_values contains the profile values. The method matches() of the class Profile invokes the matching function of the profile values and associates the result with and . The method equals is provided for the profile checker, part of the repository, which helps the application programmer to create unique profiles.

The profile values provide the functionality to match their value with the value of the current environment property, i.e. the matching function. The profile value also contains the functionality in order to retrieve the value of the environment property from the system (generating function).


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