Implementation and evaluation of a Moving Target Defense approach in P4

Networks are constant under threat, though security measures are often limited to the attack. Identifying mechanisms to dynamically adjust parameters to increase defenses is a promising strategy. Existing network-level MTD techniques, such as Port Hopping (PH) and Network Address Shuffling (NAS), are implemented in prototypes on the application layer (mostly in Python). Therefore, performance is heavily limited. This work will investigate the migration of existing approaches into the next generation programming language P4, which is directly executed on the network interface itself.


The goal of this master thesis is to implement existing MTD approaches in the P4 networking language.



  1. Literature research on Moving Target Defense (MTD)
  2. Indexing of existing Network-Level approaches on MTD and selection of a candidate to implement in P4
  3. Implement and extend the state-of-the-art in the topic
  4. Evaluate the implementation against existing approaches / benchmark


Prof. Dr. D. Kranzlmüller

Dauer der Arbeit:

Anzahl Bearbeiter: 1


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