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3.1.1 Explicit Information

Implicit information exists in most cases either as an informal or as a formal statement. Examples of implicit information are the scope, description, structure, interrelationships, control, and rendering of policies. Metapolicies make this information explicit. The following kinds of metapolicies which specify implicit information are mentioned by Hosmer:

Policy Description Metapolicy
defines the structure of the policy presentation, the elements which make up the policy, the name, type, and length information of the elements, etc. Table [*] shows an example of a Policy Description Metapolicy. Besides other possible information, information about the required signers and modifiers is contained in the example. This indicates who may approve changes to a policy element and who may modify the element. In the last line of the example metapolicy these are, for instance, the System Manager and the System Security Officer (SSO). The criticality code is an indicator for the impact a change will have on the rest of the policy and/or the security of the system.

Table 3.1: Policy Description Metapolicy [Hosm 92]
Policy Description Data Type Length Criticality Req. Signer Modifier
Policy Name Alphanumeric 20 30 Scty DOD SSO
Policy Type Alphanumeric 5 30 None SSO
Authority Alphanumeric 30 50 Scty DOD SSO
Start Date Date 6 20 President SSO
Expiration Date Date 6 25 President SSO
Informal Model Alphanumeric 900 20 None SSO
Formal Model ZED 1500 40 Sys Manager SSO

Policy Constraint Metapolicy
The constraints put on a policy are specified with a Policy Constraint Metapolicy. It may consist of the time of execution, the restrictions on the application domain, time limitations like expiration date, exemption of certain users or roles from the policy, and may specify whether the policy must be executed in combination with other policies.

Organization Control Metapolicy
With metapolicies of this kind, information needed for working with a policy in an organisation is made explicit . In table [*], an example of an organizational control metapolicy is shown. With the help of this metapolicy, for example the owner and the creator of the policy is described, when its expiration date is, and what processes are used for its distribution, renewal, and modification. Also included may be the policy assurance status, legal status, and the source of the policy.

Table 3.2: Organizational Control Metapolicy [Hosm 92]
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Automated Information System (AIS) Metapolicy
With this kind of metapolicy, information necessary for the computer-oriented processing of the policy is specified. It contains details needed to describe and control the implementation of the policy and it may include constraints on the implementation mechanisms, requirements for configuration management and audit, etc.

Domain Interface Metapolicy
This metapolicy specifies rules when data labelled for one policy domain must be transferred to another policy domain. They are used for the automated transfer.

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