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Implementation of Browser Configuration

This section describes the implementation of the sample application. The configuration of the browser consists of two parts. The first part acquires the two system parameters: physical memory and the free disk space. The second part configures the browser according to the parameters speicifed by the user, e.g. 5% of the physical memory, and to the actually available resources, e.g. 95MB.

Both parts can benefit from adaptation in a heterogenous environment, as described in section [*]. For the configuration of the default browser recursive context awareness is necessary (s. section [*]).

Figure: Structure of WebClientAgent  

The browser configuration is executed by a mobile agent implemented as a class holding references to the adaptor classes providing adaptaptable class for acquiring system information (IMemory_Adaptor,IHarddisk_Adaptor) and setting the browser cache parameters (IConfiguration_Adaptor) (s. figure [*]). The method configureBrowserCache() executes the configuration of the web browser using the adaptor classes. The method run() is needed for the mobile agent functionality of the class WebClientAgnet described in the following sections.

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